Occupational Health and Safety Fundamentals

I. Introduction:

The workplace should be a safe environment for everyone. This course provides a solid foundation in occupational health and safety (OH&S) principles, equipping you to identify and mitigate workplace hazards, promote safety awareness, and contribute to a healthy work environment.

II. Course Objectives:

Understand the fundamental concepts and principles of occupational health and safety.

Recognize and assess potential hazards in diverse workplace environments.

Apply relevant legislation and regulations related to occupational health and safety.

Implement safe work practices and procedures to prevent workplace accidents and injuries.

Develop effective communication and reporting skills regarding safety concerns.

Contribute to a positive safety culture within your organization.

III. Course Highlights:

Understanding OHS:

Explore the history and evolution of OH&S practices.

Grasp the legal framework and key regulatory bodies governing workplace safety.

Learn about the rights and responsibilities of workers and employers regarding safety.

Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment:

Develop skills to identify and assess potential hazards in various workplaces.

Understand different types of hazards, including physical, chemical, biological, ergonomic, and psychosocial.

Learn about risk assessment techniques and control measures to mitigate hazards.

Safe Work Practices and Procedures:

Gain knowledge of established safe work practices and procedures for common workplace activities.

Explore personal protective equipment (PPE) selection and proper use.

Understand the importance of incident reporting and investigation procedures.

Communication and Collaboration:

Develop effective communication skills to raise safety concerns and report incidents.

Learn how to collaborate with colleagues and stakeholders to maintain a safe work environment.

Explore techniques for promoting safety awareness and fostering a positive safety culture.

IV. Target Audience:

This course is designed for anyone interested in gaining fundamental OH&S knowledge and contributing to a safe and healthy workplace. It is particularly beneficial for:

  • New employees seeking to understand their rights and responsibilities regarding safety.
  • Individuals seeking career paths in safety, health, or environmental fields.
  • Supervisors, team leaders, and managers who want to cultivate a safety-conscious team environment.
  • Anyone interested in contributing to a culture of prevention and promoting safety in the workplace.
Faq Content 1
Faq Content 2
Enrolled: 34 students
Duration: 10 hours
Video: 9 hours
Level: Beginner


Working hours

Monday 9:30 am - 6.00 pm
Tuesday 9:30 am - 6.00 pm
Wednesday 9:30 am - 6.00 pm
Thursday 9:30 am - 6.00 pm
Friday 9:30 am - 5.00 pm
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed